
Might seem like too much effort to make your own yogurt but our recent experience with EasiYo has proven it’s really quite simple.

Gastrology received this product courtesy of Nuffnang's Product Talk and EasiYo.

All you do is…
  1. Mix an EasiYo yogurt sachet with tepid (between 15-20 degrees Celsius), drinkable water.
  2. Shake the jar thoroughly, then pour boiling water into the maker up to the fill line and insert the jar  in the maker. 
  3. Eight to 12 hours later, wake up to one kilogram of the freshest yogurt.

There’s lots of benefits from consuming freshly made yogurt due to the increased beneficial live cultures, such as acidophilus. These are at their most potent as soon as yogurt is made. Making yogurt also comes with a wealth of added benefits including no artificial ingredients, additives and stabilisers, which are often found in store-bought yogurts. 
We loved the great range of flavours available.
EasiYo is delicious, nutritious, vegetarian and gluten-free, and effortless to make.  

EasiYo is very accessible and is available from Big W, Woolworths, IGA and online
- EasiYo yogurt maker RRP $24.99
- EasiYo 1L yogurt sachets RRP from $4.50

Find out more here