Product Review: Ayam Brand Sardines and Hock Lee Prawn-Paste

This post was sponsored by MATRADE's Malaysian Kitchen Program.
Assam laksa has become quite a regular dish that we serve at home (check out our recipe here). But to make the perfect assam laksa, you need all the right ingredients.
Apart from the condiments and the handy Richmond Penang Assam Laksa paste, we've found that the Ayam Brand sardines and the Hock Lee Prawn paste make the perfect broth!
We love the Ayam brand sardines as the sardines are plump, generous and taste absolutely beautiful.
The Hock Lee prawn paste is a thick sweet prawn/shrimp paste that adds a beautiful depth of flavour to any assam laksa broth.
And there you have it, all the essentials for a delicious assam laksa - enjoy!